Yesterday I went to see the progress of tower construction for the wireless internet service provider project. I had received a call in the morning from the building metal worker and told me to bring the tower engineer with me at 2 p.m. in the afternoon. So I had called the tower engineer and told him to come to the site at 2 p.m. I had to wait for the tower engineer for half and hour or so. Finally he came and we went up to the top of the building. The building metal worker and the tower engineer discussed in details the size of holes in the plates, the number of plates required, about building a safety platform for the tower installation workers.

The I beam sections were assembled together with nuts and bolts where they drilled the holes. They drilled into the existing pillars where the beams will be fitted. See the following picture.

These beams are for the base of the tower. The tower will be installed on top of this base.

Today in the morning I received a call by the tower engineer that he had sent me an email and that I should proceed with the rest of the payment for the tower. I opened the email and saw only the tower parts, no receipt or paper from the construction company which shall prove that the tower was manufactured. I had told the tower engineer that I needed the details and proof that it was made where it was said it would be manufactured there. The following shows the picture of the tower parts.

According to the tower engineer this tower is 6m high, galvanized, with 3 rings. I have been told that this is reduced size tower of a standard NTC(Nepal Telecom) tower.

So that’s much for today.