Yesterday and day before a number of tasks were completed. First the door was fixed, second the front door keylock was installed, third, the tower base is now complete. Also engineers from two companies came to see the site, since we will be leasing internet for the test phase.

Below are picture showing base of the tower.

On the same day, I think, I waited and installed the back door of the equipment room. I stayed until dark in order to complete this door installation.

It is door is fixed and the front door lock is also installed, I can now actually start to bring the racks and other furniture. But first I have to finish the internet backbone optical cable. For this I need to find somebody who can drill into the building floors. The building is 11 floors upto my equipment room. Some of the floor already has holes and some do not. I have to drill the holes of several floor myself and I have to finance it. Only after there are all holes through all 11 floors can the lease line optical fiber to installed.

So lets wait and see.